The Algaari Kahani

We capture the world,
The way we observe it.

Explore Our Story

With a background of Media and Engineering; our travel-bug co-founders, hailing from Mumbai and Delhi, encountered the lack of soulful, meaningful creativity in media and corporate industries.

They realized the solution is to help upgrade the world’s aesthetic awareness by bringing light, color, creativity, and conceptual multitudes in the otherwise mundane life. 

And so Algaari was born.

We designed our company to work with “meraki”. This is a word that modern Greeks often use to describe what happens when you leave a piece of yourself (your soul, creativity, or love) in your work. When you love doing something, anything, so much that you put something of yourself into it.

Algaari Arts (OPC) Pvt Ltd is a creative agency, bringing our edge to the world of Design, Illustration, Film, and Animation; collaborating with a pool of artists.

We bring 'art' to your work

Your Business is the Body,
But your Brand is the Soul.

Algaari (અલગારી) – is a Gujarati word derived as a verb from the Hindi adjective (अलग) to describe something/someone to be unique and different from the rest of the world.

As a company, we strive to meet and collaborate with all the other Algaaris of the world, from different art forms and create a platform that plays an active role in pushing the collective consciousness forward.

Realize the power of art with us.